Immediate lifetime access to 10 video lessons detailing content and language writing strategies and techniques (Worth $539)
A full-coloured 102-page physical workbook with bite-sized practices unit by unit and suggested writing samples that accompany the video lessons (Worth $78)
Bilingual Phrasebook full-coloured physical book with more than 600 English and Chinese phrases describing emotions from A to Z. It comes with 5 Composition Review Videos with detailed commentary that your child can follow and learn how to develop his content and language in his English writing (Worth $329)
BONUS 1: Bilingual Model Compositions Collection physical book with English and Chinese audios to be read to your child and our 5 Senses Challenge Videos to teach your child how to develop his English compositions and impress examiners (Worth $398)
BONUS 2: Receive TWO personalized feedback on your child's Chinese compo (Worth $288)
BONUS 3: Teacher Rosalind's Chinese Writing Resource Vault (Priceless)
FREE Upgrade to future video updates of this toolbox (Priceless)
$1948 $279
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